Edited by Yunfeng Lin, Tao Gong
ISBN: 978-953-56942-3-6
© 2016 by the authors; licensee IAPC, Zagreb, Croatia.
This book is an open-access book distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license.
DOI: 10.5599/obp.9.0

Nanomaterials and Regenerative Medicine

by Yunfeng Lin, Tao Gong

Tissue engineering and tissue regeneration is rapidly expanding research area which involves interdisciplinary approaches to the development of regenerative medicine aimed at restoring and improving the functioning of tissue as well as a whole organ. It brings together various disciplines from material engineering, natural science and life science fields with the intention to alleviate present challenges of harvesting and storing tissues for transplantation. It has been demonstrated that adipose derived stem cells possess versatile therapeutic potential in various clinical contexts such as facilitation of wound healing, bone and cartilage regeneration and rehabilitation of cardiac functions among others. On the other hand material engineering has developed improved procedures for preparation of nano-sized materials which emerged as promising candidates in producing scaffolds able to better mimic the nanostructure in natural extracellular matrix. Overall, nanomaterials exhibit superior performance comparing to microparticulate matter. They exhibit improved biocompatibile, mechanical, physico-chemical and magnetic properties which advance tissue growth and regeneration. The aim of this book is to address recent advances in the field and to review the preparation and functioning of various nano-materials (nanoparticles, nanofibers and the surface modifications of implantable materials) in the biological context. Furthermore, the book summarizes the applications of nano-materials to various tissues, which are classified into four types depending on their functions: protective, mechano-sensitive, electro-active, and shear stress-sensitive tissues.

Chapter 1. Whole-organ engineering with natural extracellular materials Download
by Bahoz Sanaan, X. Frank Walboomers, Pamela Yelick
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.24
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Chapter 2. The promising role for adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in tissue regeneration Download
by Anirudh Arun, WP Andrew Lee, Gerald Brandacher, Angelo Leto Barone
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.14
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Chapter 3. Biodegradable polymeric nanomaterials Download
by Geraldine Rohman, Jolanda Spadavecchia
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.11
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Chapter 4. Fabricating in vitro nanomaterial scaffolds through IC-compatible microfabrication to modulate mammalian cellular behaviors Download
by Chun-Yen Sung, J. Andrew Yeh, Chao-Min Cheng
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.15
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Chapter 5. A chitin nanofibril-based non-woven tissue as medical dressing: the role of bionanotechnology Download
by Pierfrancesco Morganti, Paola Del Ciotto, Francesco Carezzi, Maria Luisa Nunziata, Gianluca Morganti
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.25
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Chapter 6. Magnetoactive electrospun nanofibers in tissue engineering applications Download
by Ioanna Savva, Theodora Krasia-Christoforou
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.17
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Chapter 7. Magnetic nanoparticles in cell-based therapies Download
by Emran Bashar, Kevin Gregory-Evans
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.18
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Chapter 8. M13 bacteriophage nanomaterials for regenerative medicine Download
by So Young Yoo
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.3
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Chapter 9. Neotissue remodeling of tissue-engineered arterial graft Download
by Shuhei Tara, Toshihiro Shoji, Toshiharu Shinoka
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.7
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Chapter 10. Polymer- and nanoparticle-based surface modification of artificial vascular grafts Download
by Dagmar Chudobova, Kristyna Cihalova, Dana Fialova, Pavel Kopel, Radek Vesely, Branislav Ruttkay-Nedecky, Vojtech Adam, Rene Kizek
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.8
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Chapter 11. Temporomandibular Disorders and BIO-IPNs: in vitro approach to find molecular solution to biological problem. Download
by V. Tamara Perchyonok, Sias Grobler, Nicollaas Basson, Desigar Moodley, Shengmiao Zhang
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.9
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Chapter 12. From the macroscale to nanostructures: can tissue engineering recreate bone features? Download
by Nathalie Steimberg, Giovanna Mazzoleni
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.4
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Chapter 13. Craniofacial tissue reconstruction with mesenchymal stem cells derived from dental tissue and bone marrow Download
by Maobin Yang, Junqi Ling, Xi Wei, Qian Zeng
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.16
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Chapter 14. Encapsulation technologies in beta cell replacement therapies for Type 1 diabetes Download
by Rahul Krishnan, David Imagawa, Clarence Foster III, Jonathan Lakey
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.6
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Chapter 15. Applications of nanomaterials in mechano-sensitive tissues Download
by Michelle Griffin, Deepak Kalaskar
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.19
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Chapter 16. Nanomaterials for cartilage tissue engineering Download
by Loraine Chiu, Stephen Waldman
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.2
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Chapter 17. Exploring treatments for ocular surface diseases Download
by Pallavi Deshpande, Ilida Ortega, Sheila MacNeil
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.20
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Chapter 18. Green nanomaterials for psoriatic lesions Download
by Liliana Olenic, Maria Crisan, Adriana Vulcu, Camelia Berghian-Grosan, Diana Crisan, Ioana Chiorean
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.10
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Chapter 19. Cancer targeting strategies of nanomaterials Download
by Jeong-Hun Kang, Riki Toita, Takahito Kawano, Masaharu Murata
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.5
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Chapter 20. Materials for cardiac tissue engineering Download
by Carolina Gálvez-Montón, Cristina Prat-Vidal, Carolina Soler-Botija, Santiago Roura, Antoni Bayes-Genis
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.23
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Chapter 21. Liver tissue engineering Download
by Florin Graur
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.1
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Chapter 22. Mechanical guidance of cell migration Download
by Ilaria Palamà, Stefania D'Amone, Barbara Cortese
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.22
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Chapter 23. Nanomedical applications of graphene and graphene oxide Download
by Malgorzata Aleksandrzak, Karolina Urbas, Magdalena Onyszko, Ewa Mijowska
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.21
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Chapter 24. Safety issue of nanoparticles which used for stem cell labeling and tracking Download
by You-Kang Chang, Oscar Lee
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.13
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Chapter 25. Acoustic wave resonators for biomedical applications Download
by Martin Zalazar
DOI number: 10.5599/obp.9.12
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Lorem Ipsum
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